Saturday, December 31, 2011

My 27th Birthday

My family did not give me a single gift this Christmas. But my clients did. =) I'm not materialistic but I really do want to receive gifts sometimes. Hehehe! Good thing my birthday isn't that too far from Christmas and I was able to open presents on my 27th birthday. Yay!

Here are some of the photos taken during my birthday:

Adolf and Col were there. Thea and Karen were absent.

James is home for my birthday! =)

My mom's sisters.

Meeting Isabela and her family.

clan photo

with Lysette

It was actually more of my mom's family reunion than my birthday but it's always been like that for 27 years. I think the most memorable part of my birthday is, aside from reconnecting with old friends, we were able to meet Isabela and her family. And Grace, who was very conscious at that time because she was surprised to see Isabela for the first time, was also very happy. In fact, she's been asking everyday when she and Isabela could go malling! =)

27 and counting! One year more and my age would already be equal to my waistline. Hahahaha!


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