Sunday, June 09, 2013

Tough Love | 100% Natural Home Care

Going organic and natural with your home care line is now made affordable by Human Heart Nature.

Introducing… Tough Love by Human Nature, a genuinely natural and affordable brand of home care products that lets you be tough where it matters and loving where it counts! Tough Love Natural Dishwashing Liquid (99.97% Natural), Natural Liquid Detergent (100% Natural) and Natural Powder Detergent (100% Natural) makes sure you’re tough on grease, dirt and stains while being gentle on your family’s health, their skin and our environment. They're absolutely free of phosphates, chlorine, bleach, dyes, enzymes, petroleum, synthetic fragrances, optical brighteners, and other harmful chemicals present in common household cleaners. 
Laundry detergents are notorious for the poisonous effects they have on aquatic life. This doesn't mean you have to go soft on dirty laundry though! Tough Love Natural Liquid Detergent (Php329.75, 950ml) and Natural Powder Detergent (Php199.75, 1000g) makes sure your family's clothes smell fresh clean with no harsh chemical residue leftover, leaving your fabrics kinder to your skin. Suffering from skin allergies like contact dermatitis? Switch to this chemical irritant-free detergent to feel the relief on your skin! 
Doing the dishes ain't fun especially when you're draining toxic chemicals back into our waterways. But not with our natural dishwashing liquid! Mean on the grease yet kind to your skin, Tough Love Natural Dishwashing Liquid’s (Php99.75, 250ml, Php169.75, 500ml) perky grapefruit-orange scent will make doing the dishes a chore you will actually adore! Not to mention it’ll cut down on time and water usage too! Yup, this light formula cuts through grease swiftly and rinses off easily. Ta-da! The dishes are done in half the time. So rub-a-dub-dub the dirt and stains away! Tough Love by Human Nature let you do your cleaning with a clean conscience!
I have started using these products and I am beyond satisfied. The liquid detergent has been launched much earlier back in December 2012 and I have been hooked since. I like using it for my delicate clothes and intimates. It's nice to be used when hand washing because it won't dry your hands. It is also very easy to clean and though it is tough on dirt, it remains gentle to the fabric, gentle to your hands, and gentle to the environment as well.

Tough Love Powder Detergent is my mom's favorite. My meticulous mother has already tried and tested this natural powder detergent and she's more than convinced to use this for her laundry duties using our trusty washing machine. Although this natural powder detergent is unscented, it really gives our clothes the "clean scent," it is not flowery like your typical fabric conditioner but it sure does eliminate any odor from your clothes. My sister is also quite impressed with this natural powder detergent because she noticed that the deodorant stains in her uniform were thoroughly cleaned by this detergent and, what's best is that she was spared from those embarrassing times when her uniform starts to smell bad in the middle of the day due to other commercial detergents' residue sticking to the fabric.

Of course, Tough Love Natural Dishwashing Liquid is also a star on its own. It's very good in cleaning dishes and it's also very easy to rinse. The grease-cutting power is not very exceptional, though. But this tough dishwashing liquid is not only a dish cleaner but a good hand soap as well.

Let's all do our share in making a healthier Earth. One thing that we can do is to use products which do not spread harmful and toxic chemicals to our waterways that would eventually find their way to the soil or to our seas. If you care for your whole family and if you care enough for the environment, let's switch now to natural home care products.

Tough Love Natural Home Care line may be purchased in Davao City and online at Trendsetters Fashion Boutique.


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