Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is happiness catching?

No, I don't want to put up a happy face to conceal how hurt I am. I am not good in feigning happiness, anyway.

The following are quotes from "Is Happiness Catching?" article by Clive Thompson.

Behaviors can be contagious. Groups of people would become obese together, while other groupings would remain slender or even lose weight. You may not know him personally, but your friend’s husband’s co-worker can make you fat. And your sister’s friend’s boyfriend can make you thin. ...happiness doesn’t come only from having deep, heart-to-heart talks. It also comes from having daily exposure to many small moments of contagious happiness.

Drinking spread socially, as did happiness and even loneliness. Happiness is more contagious than unhappiness.

Christakis and Fowler’s strangest finding is the idea that a behavior can skip links — spreading to a friend of a friend without affecting the person who connects them. (Now I know why Rey was somehow inspired to lose weight when he was introduced with Cal.)

“If someone tells you that you can influence 1,000 people,” Fowler said, “it changes your way of seeing the world.”

The concluding statement hit me, and it hit me hard. Before I stumbled upon the article excerpted above, I was bitter, jealous, insecure, and very unhappy because of the mere fact that the boyfriend logged out of IM in the middle of our conversation, and without notice. I hated that! So, in respite, I wanted to post a blog about how pissed I am. Well, I know that this blog does not have much readers, but I just want to write. It makes me feel like I'm sharing my grief to the whole world.

That was before I read the article.

After finishing the first paragraph of this blog entry, I wasn't quite sure how I'd go on. I was angry, but I don't think that it's that big of an issue to ever make a full-blown article of how angry I was to be left in IM. I know that my anger would eventually go away, although I swear I wasn't thinking like this at the height of my angst.

But then, well, after reading the 10-page article, I resolved to shut up. No, I don't want to spread bitterness... Not to my readers (if there are any?). I don't have any intention to edit the first paragraph, though. Just leave it as it is. It's just a reminder that I am only human, I have those times where I get pissed, and my huffy character gets doubled when it's that time of the month. Forgive me... I am not entirely unhappy. That person who made me want to cry earlier is also the very person who makes me so happy... Now, I want to cry tears of joy! Hahaha! So, this is life... (--,)

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