Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How are you feeling?

Sleepy, yes I am very sleepy. But why is it that I can't seem to filter my thoughts right now and I ended up checking my phone every now and then when I'm supposed to sleep? Well, it's actually too early to sleep because it's only 6:30 PM.

Rest seems "unyielding" to me. ='( I just hope that I won't have any problems later when it's really time to sleep. Maybe I'm just missing somebody....

I had a Hong Kong airport tour two days ago via wifi when my beau was there waiting for his flight to Nairobi. Where in the world is Nairobi? I haven't searched for it yet. I know that it's GMT+1 when I checked in on my phone's world clock but I have absolutely no idea where it is. Maybe I'll check it now... (After a quick google search... Nairobi is the capital and largest city of Kenya according to wikipedia).

So beau was bound for Africa. Nairobi is just one of their stopovers, they were eventually bound for Dakar. Currently, they are already on their way to Denmark. If you are in a relationship with a seaman, you'd find ways on how to communicate with your man or at least know where he is. Since I can't put a GPS into his system, I searched for other ways on how to stalk him. Hahaha! And I do that through Thanks to this website, I know that my beau is at  18.2848˚ / -18.24229˚ eight minutes ago.

Enough of being a stalker. I love how writing (er, typing and blogging) releases my stress. Since beau is not here to kiss my stress away, I just have to busy myself ranting and updating my blog. If beau was here, I guess he'd pick me up from the office and then we'll have dinner, maybe at B3, and then he'll drive me home. But since he's not here, I will just have to go home with my parents early. Eat dinner at home and hope that he'll be online and we can chat before I go to sleep. =)

I guess that's enough to bore you. Good night!


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