Sunday, July 24, 2011

Best Wishes to Martin and Luna!

...and I can't believe that I'm your girl, and I get to kiss you baby just because I can...

June 23, 2011
Martin and Luna

After the wedding, with flower girl, Chikay

off they go..........

my sister Mary Grace and cousin Nino

mom and dad

The echuserang host at the wedding reception, yours truly. =)

I love the guests who were so game! =)

posing with siblings

the noisy Balansag sisters =p

posing with cousins

I celebrated our (beau and mine's) monthsary by attending my cousin Martin's wedding with her lovely bride, Luna, at Redemptorist Church. Reception followed at the Ladislawa Garden Village Clubhouse.

I was the impromptu host for the day and I honestly did not know what to do! I only attended a wedding ONCE. And I mean attending a wedding as a guest and not a flower girl. I honestly had no idea what to do and I'm just thankful that I had *a lot* of coaches, some are even giving unsolicited advices. Lol! But the party went well and I have the bride, herself, to tell me that she enjoyed it. =)

Bloopers. So I prepared a little song for the newlyweds and I am NOTORIOUS in forgetting song lyrics. And my Alzheimer tendencies did not let me down 'coz I literally forgot the song lyrics: the part I like best! I am such a failure!

I enjoyed the party. The food by Kubiyertos was really great! And the people from the venue were very nice to look for and lend me a cable for my laptop. But I sure do hope that Ladislawa would fix their wifi problems. I would've perfected my song if only I was able to search the lyrics for Michael Buble's Everything. Hehehe!

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