Friday, July 22, 2011

I'm a girl and with that, I have the right....

I have the right to change my mind, that is.

I enabled right-clicking in this blog after dis-abling it . I wasn't comfortable not being able to right click because I always want to open links in a new tab. I still don't want my photos to be copied, though, and I'm still very lazy in not placing watermarks. Duh! Let it be. Maybe I'll just practice copyright infringement suit in the future if somebody steals my photos without credit. Hehehe!

I am so bored today. I went home early on a Friday because of stomachache. I slept for about 30 minutes upon arriving home and then hit on the internet until no and it's almost 6pm... I just hope that beau will be online after he takes his lunch so that we could chat. =)

I've been blog hopping and I recently discovered Divine Lee's blog and she's such a CRAZY girl! The Becky Queen, Divine Lee! Her posts are very quirky and funny!!! Oh well, there's this post about his surprise Valentine's treat for her bf which made me cry. It was really sweet and it just made me cry 'coz I miss somebody looking at that video. That video was an advertisement for Philips but I just felt that her surprise for V was genuine.. Awwww......

Anyway, I'm really getting hungry right now. So, babooh!


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