Saturday, July 09, 2011

I miss my boyfie!!!

It's a month now since boyfie went to work. He's due to come home on August. I know ten weeks without him is actually a breeze compared to other couples who would have to endure longer months, sometimes years, to see each other.

I really don't want to post this but.. I just miss him! I hope their wifi connection will be re-installed soon....

Transformers 3 is now showing in theaters. But I don't want to watch it alone. I wonder if the last Harry Potter movie would be extended until August when boyfie's home? I want to watch it with him.... But what if HP won't get extended that long? Hmmm, maybe I'll just watch it alone, hehehe!

The very first movie I've ever watched with boyfie is The Land Before Time. Ahahaha! I'm just joking, although it's actually true. It was a school activity and my first time to actually enter a movie house. I didn't personally know him that time but I know that we were in the same movie house during that day. =) I actually cried because of that movie. I'm sure he did, too. Hahaha!

Kidding aside, the first movie I watched with boyfie is......... Twilight! Ahahaha! That was December 8, 2008 and it was actually the second time that he invited me to watch a movie (I declined his first invitation, not because I was playing hard to get, but because I did not want to watch a movie that time. Anyway, that was two months before our first movie date). I went straight to GMall after work. When I arrived in GMall, I saw him and I just smiled. He already has tickets for the movie. I skipped classes that night. OMG, I am smiling right now and I'm thinking that I should end this post. I still miss him but I'll sleep with a smile tonight. Hahahahahaha!

Good night!



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