Saturday, February 12, 2011

Scrub suits

Why are nursing uniform for students always white? If I had been a nursing student, I would be very concerned of how to hide my panty line since I would be wearing white. But students now are not at all concerned about that, and some of them have even considered it fashionable to wear colorful underwear underneath the white uniform. I wonder if it's alright with their schools.

I find it innovative and original that Blue Sky Scrubs has a line of scrub clothing for kids. I haven't seen a kid in a scrub suit but it would be very fun and cute to see one, and dressing your kid in a scrub suit is a statement on its own. When I look at nurses in their nursing scrubs, I wonder how they feel. Blue Sky promises weave of fashion and comfort in their products.

Fashion is never lost even in the medical world. My sister is one living proof of it. She always updates her clothing even if her new dresses would just be hidden under her medical coat.

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