Thursday, March 08, 2012

Clipix: A revolutionary way to ORGANIZE!

I admit that I am a bookmark person. They help me best in saving all the webpages that I wanted to visit at a later time. Twenty four hours a day is not enough for me to read about all the interesting topics available on the world wide web, considering that most of my time is spent on my day job. Good thing there is a bookmark for every browser and it helps me go back to those articles that I really want to read.

Bookmarks, although there to help me organize, is not that very organized in itself. For one, my current bookmarks tab only lists all of the webpages in a chronological order. So the last ones would necessarily be at the bottom of the page. Two, saving bookmarks in a folder necessitates me to open the folder before I could see the bookmarked pages.

If you've been having the same problems such as mine, then I have good news for you! Introducing clipix! A revolutionary way of organizing your digital life! To have a preview of what I'm talking about, see the video below:

I tried clipix for the first time and as a first timer, I was a little confused. But I did not let this little confusion get in the way and now I am happy that I have signed up!

Before anything else, let me share to you that I have installed clipix in my Internet Explorer browser first because it was the easiest. It's also easy to install clipix in Google Chrome but instead of going to the Bookmarks Menu, you have to go to the TOOLS MENU and click Always Show Bookmarks Tab and then drag the clipix icon to your bookmarks tab.

For my first few minutes of using clipix, I got hooked already! I started with organizing my internet marketing stuff that I placed in a new clipboard. Look what I got:
What do you think? I have other clipboards for travel blogs, another clipboard for social networking, and some more clipboards for different topics. It's so easy to organize! Just click CLIP from your bookmarks tab, wait for the clipix app to appear, choose or make a new clipboard, choose visibility, hit CREATE and you're done!

Another feature of clipix that I found very interesting and helpful is that you can share you clipboards to your friends. A truly refreshing and revolutionary way of organizing your digital life!
Sign up for clipix today!

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  1. clipix, accordingly, is the newest way to organize online stuff..i've been hearing about this from bloggers..

  2. very informative post and well written!while reading the post, i was also trying clipix for the first time. i'm not that technie but i have been bookmarking but for the most part do not know how to look at web pages bec as you said disorganized.thanks for sharing.

  3. wow tnx for sharing dis, I must try!

  4. I've read a post about Clipiix dati... and I tried it. Medyo naconfuse lang ako nung una.. then I got the hang of it Sadly, minsan ko na lang ginagamit.. Kasi I usually bookmark this using the browser bookmark option. :)

    Thanks for the share, though.. :)

  5. Anonymous12:42 PM

    My friends already told me about this but I didn't bother to check this out. haha! I will try this today. Thanks!

  6. My friends already told me about this but I didn't bother to check this out. haha! I will try this today. Thanks!

  7. I've read about this from other blogs. And yea, this is a cool way of organizing your digital life. Thanks for sharing :)

  8. with the number of exceptional blogs I follow!!
    this is going to be helpful!

  9. i completely agree with utilizing technology to make things easier for us... it\s just a matter of knowing which to use and how to maximize it....

  10. yes I actually try it and it was great

  11. i tried new programs and i always use a lot of time before i can figure out... great help, thanks for this. Yahweh bless.

  12. this is great! will explore more about clipix.. hope to try it soon! ;)

  13. I already have an account in this and had made a post about this too. I love clipix and others should try this one.

  14. I'm not into those things yet but it looks really useful.

  15. Reminds me of Pinterest but for bookmarks. :)

  16. i want to try this now! :)

  17. does it work the same way pinterest does? will try to explore this. i have so many things to organize and that includes my closet. i hope this one covers closets...hehe

    1. Hahaha! I hope it covers closets, too!

      I haven't tried pinterest before. I thought that pinterest is a social networking site, isn't it?

  18. I've heard about this clipix thing too from fellow bloggers but haven't really got the chance to explore it yet.

  19. Thanks for posting about this. Haven't heard of clipix before.

  20. bookmarked this entry! :) I'll try CLIPIX later! Thanks for sharing!

  21. There has been lots of website that have been copying the concept of pinterest. There are even lots more worse than this, i mean the exact copy of pinterest, and the only difference is the name. LOL

    1. Really? Too bad I can't compare this with pinterest because I don't have a pinterest account.

  22. Its my first time to hear this. I usually bookmark the websites/links and pages specially when I find it interesting. Tnx for the share anyway, I might use it in future.

  23. ngayon ko lang narinig ito. might try it later .

  24. Clipix sounds like a promising tool. :D I also have hundreds of bookmarked websites which I need to organize soon.

  25. Thanks for sharing. I really need these to organize my pages. XD

  26. Is it the same as Pinterest?

  27. This is the first time I've heard of Clipix. I'm so outdated.. >.< Anyway, I'll try Clipix for myself too.. :)

  28. Will try this out since I love organizing stuffs :)

  29. cool!!!!!!! try ko nmark person din far happy naman ako sa chrome bookmark ko..


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