Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pechay on Pots: Growing Greens in Limited Space

I've been collecting herbs but haven't been seriously taking care of them. Luckily, my dad has put up his own garden, too, and adopted my plants. He's the one who waters these plants day and night (yes, you read it right, he waters them twice a day). One particular basil variety is a voracious water-sucker!

This is how our garden looks like:

Carrots and different basil varieties on pots.

As you can see, it's not as organized as it should be. And it's not the conventional garden because the plants are grown in pots instead of plots. While I was growing up, I was taught to make and cultivate plots for my own garden. Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of cultivating plots now since most of our residential lot has been occupied by our house already, and most of the spare lot has been landscaped or cemented.
A healthy garden: Pechay on Pots, anyone?
So basically, one can start a garden without having a wide lot. If you're living in a condominium, you can try to grow your greens on pots. Just make sure that they would get the sufficient sunshine and water everyday. Aside from getting some nutritious harvest from your own garden, some people have actually regarded as gardening to be a therapeutic hobby. Why don't you try it and see for yourself?

Happy gardening!


  1. this is what is missing in the city: the availability of plants that can be consumed... this is really helpful and can be economic too. :)

  2. Great innovation...! I remember those winter days when we planted lettuce in our front yard that is even bigger than what you can see in the supermarket. lol

  3. Agree gardening in condo is possible! I remember my mother plants herbs instead of flowers in our garden in the province- pang natural remedy daw sakin nman pang lagay sa luto jejeje:)

  4. This is a very smart idea and having a garden/pechay on pots would also be a source of income.

  5. wow, you have an edible garden in your place... love the idea, i also don't have enough space in our place... thanks. Yahweh bless.

  6. I really love to do gardening! When I was a child, I used to water the plants every morning and in the afternoon and cultivate the soil too. ^^

  7. Very innovative idea! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Hmm this is an inspiring post ha. I live in a building too, I'll give gardening a shot after the rainy season. Fresh veggies!

  9. I'm trying to convince my mom to grow plants outside the house. I'll surely share this post to her.

  10. This is really great, Aside from having planted in your home, this is a fantastic source of veges too. You don't need to buy in the the supermarket.

  11. Such a great idea, you don't mind if I copy it I mean I'm thinking of planting some vegetables but we only have limited space.

  12. it feels good to have plants in your home.. i just wish i was blessed with a green thumb :)

  13. Having a small garden of vegetables and herbs can make cooking at home more fun.

  14. natuwa naman ako kasi ang healthy nung mga pechay.parang ang sarap kainin.alam mo na fresh :)

  15. Whoa. Gardening. I have been obsessed with plants and starting a garden as a child. Though I'm planning to start a garden, medyo mahirap sa aking situation because 95% of our house is already cemented like yours. Growing on pots is also not feasible. However, if ever I live on my own and have a family, I'm planning to have a garden for myself. LOL

  16. nice! my hubby is the one who does the planting and all that hehe.. he's got the green thumb! hehe

  17. My grandmother lived in Pasay and I remember her mini herb, flower and veggie garden that she was growing in her windows. We never ran out of!

  18. well putting green or plants in your surrounding will definitely make it softer, cooler and relaxing.. So putting a plant in a house is a must.

  19. It's a good Idea specially during this time where most of the lands are being converted into villages and buildings. I must say your father is one good gardener watering those plants day and night. well done...

  20. I really liked the concept of growing greens on a limited space. It makes the surroundings more pleasant. ^_^

  21. Uy nice ha! I love it! A lot more people should actually do that!

  22. Growing veggies in pots is not only the Filipino is doing that. But other nationals are doing it too. I do appreciate so much that you're growing these leafy veggies in your pots for a limited space.

  23. gardening really requires a lot of patience. kudos to you.

  24. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Cool. Now you don't have to worry about Zombies approaching your house.

  25. I started gardening late May with orchids and roses but I'm planning to plant veggies in a pot too.

  26. My dad has this in our backyard. According to him, its much easier and the plants are healthier

  27. A cool and very handy garden. I am also planning to have potted plants as my garden in the terrace :)

  28. i wish i could do that too. we have very limited space and most importantly, i don't have the patience to tend to them. hihi..

  29. Going green!
    simple solutions but really ingenious!
    thank you dad for looking after it.


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