Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Social Media Day Davao

It was the 3rd annual Social Media Day but I guess it's the first for Davao to participate in such a huge event. It's a huge event because Social Media Day is being celebrated every June 30 around the globe. Here's a message from Mashable:

What is Social Media Day?
Social Media Day is an annual international event on June 30 that recognizes the digital revolution happening around the world. This is a global celebration of the technological advancements that have given rise to the connected generation.
For this day, for Davao city, we will gather the city’s Social Media enthusiasts, bloggers and practitioners from the media, business owners, non-profit organizations and local government officials for a day of fun, community conversation, panel discussions and networking. Rounds of raffle contests are also expected!
As of press time, Davao city is one of the 487 cities celebrating Social Media Day around the world!

I didn't quite know what to expect for the Social Media Day celebration. When the program started, four guest speakers were introduced: Bob Martin, Justin Cooke, Clifford Pauley, and Jesse Boga. These guest speakers come from different fields of social media: Bob Martin is the owner of Mindanao.com and other websites; Justin Cooke is on advertising and a partner of Adsense Flippers; Clifford Pauley is connected to a non-government organization, Global Ministries; and Jesse Boga is a writer for Mindanao Times.
The guest speakers discussed how social media has made an impact to their different fields of interests. The internet has really transformed not only our forms of communication but our lifestyle as well. Blogs, Facebook, and Online Shopping are just three of the social media platforms that I use (or log in to) everyday. Social media has allowed to us to reach all the corners of the earth through the world wide web.
Joining the Social Media Day was a fun activity, and I've learned so much from the resource speakers. It was also a time to meet and greet fellow bloggers and a chance to meet my online friends in the flesh. Overall, I enjoyed the event and I'm hoping that I could participate in the future Social Media Day for the coming years.
There's just one thing that I hope: that everyone will use social media to good use.


  1. I learned a lot from this event too. Just too bad I came in late so I didn't have the chance to really hear everything.

    The event was a huge success! :)

  2. I'm really envious to bloggers like you who could attend this kind if events. Im sure that you had a blast! Hoping to have time for this myself!


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