Thursday, November 08, 2012

My blog has turned 2!

I'm elated at today's news: Google has made an update on page ranks and Khakiness' PR has luckily improved to 2!

No, my blog isn't 2 years old today, it's actually a very very old blog, with posts as old as 2007. I started this blog as a personal blog and up to this day I'm still posting random things about my interesting little life. I've been thinking about deleting this blog last year but then I just could not do it due to my emotional attachment. So, Khakiness still lives and as much as I would like to give Khakiness its own domain name, I don't think I can risk going back to PR 0. For now, I will enjoy PR 2.

Who knows? Google might give me PR 3 in the next page rank update.

How did you blogs do today? I'm happy with my new PR 1: - My Travel and Food Blog - Obviously, this is a Fashion and Beauty Blog - This used to be my travel blog until I transferred to Swexie. I'm surprised
that Swimgear received PR1. I'm happy about it. I think I will revive this blog if I have the time. =)

My Law School Funk blog has also retained its PR 1. I'm so happy! =)


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