Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I get tremors from taking Ventolin capsule. It's been three days now since I started taking the medicine due to my persistent cough. I actually do not know whether this is just allergic cough or if this is already due to my asthma. I feel bad about being sick.

I went to Watsons this afternoon and asked about Ventolin tablets. The pharmacist told me that the difference between Ventolin capsule and Ventolin tablet is that the former contains both Salbutamol and Guaifenesin, while the latter only has Salbutamol in it. I wonder whether it would be better for me to take the Ventolin tablet only. I know I should consult my doctor first about it. But since I'm away from home and I can't go to a clinic or hospital right now, I think I'd better stick to the capsules for now.

I'm keeping six Ventolin tablets stowed in one of my bag's pockets. I'm not yet convinced on changing my medicine without doctor's advice but at least I'm ready when I have the go signal.

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