Friday, April 12, 2013

How To Fix Feedjit Location

Is Feedjit not displaying your correct location?

If you're looking for ways to fix your feedjit location, then I have good news for you! Feedjit Live Traffic Feed would sometimes have a wrong guess with our computer's location and this is fixable so don't worry.

What you need to do is to simply go to and follow these steps:

  1. Select your country. It's rare for feedjit to have an error on this. In my experience, I'm always on the correct country but my city changes from time to time, and mind you, the city that feedjit guesses is sometimes so far away from my current city. It's funny and also irritating.
  2. Type your city. You need to type your city and a drop down list will appear. You can then select your city from feedjit's drop down list.
  3. Confirm your location. After selecting your city, you need to confirm your location.


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