If you have an account with any of the member banks of Bancnet, then you are lucky because you do not have to get up from your seat if you want to know your bank balance or if you need to transfer funds to another account.
If you are an account holder of any of the following member banks, then this is a good news for you:
- Allied Bank
- Allied Savings Bank
- Asia United Bank
- Bank of Commerce
- Bangko Mabuhat
- China Bank
- China Bank Savings
- China Trust
- Citibank
- Citystate Savings Bank
- EastWest Bank
- Enterprise Bank
- Equicom Savings Bank
- GreenBank
- Isla Bank
- Land Bank
- Malayan Bank
- Maybank
- Metrobank
- Philippine Business Bank
- Philtrust Bank
- Planbank
- Postal Bank
- PSBank
- RCBC Savings
- Robinsons Bank
- Security Bank
- Security Bank Savings
- Standard Chartered
- Sterling Bank of Asia
- Tongyang Savings Bank
- UCPB Savings
- Veterans Bank
- Wealth Bank
- World Partners Bank
More banks are becoming members of Bancnet and the bancnetonline.com's facility is being updated from time to time. Discover online banking convenience with bancnetonline.com.