Saturday, January 14, 2012

Jollibee Kiddie Meal with Free Bracelet Maker

I like this month's Jollibee Kiddie Meal!

The free toy for this month's Jollibee Kiddie Meal is not actually a toy but a bracelet maker! And it's not that easy to decipher - I honestly took about three attempts before I could begin hooking and re-hooking the thread of the foam/petal guide.

At first I thought that it would be difficult for children to understand this or to even "play" with this. I used the bracelet maker myself and it took me about an hour, at least, to finish my masterpiece:
using the "heart" guide

This was Gracie's Kiddie Meal and she's supposed to be the one using the bracelet maker. I was really hesitant to let her use it because I thought that she would not be able to understand the instructions. Well, once you get the hang of it, it would just be: Left to Left, and Right to Right.

I prepared the strings/thread for the Stripe Pattern. Grace is about to make her own bracelet...

I plotted each string to its place before letting Gracie start. I gave her the instructions and guided her as she made her way on the the hooking and re-hooking. I had to guide her all the way until she finished her bracelet because she would sometimes get confused on what thread to pick next.

Here's a video of her during the first few minutes of making the bracelet.

And now, for the finished product:

I don't know where else we could buy this Bracelet Maker. If you want one, this comes free with every Jollibee Kiddie Meal. Enjoy!


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