Saturday, January 07, 2012

Potpourri and Herbs

Last Christmas, i bought a potpourri for our house. See that dramatic lighting effect above? That's how our living room is minus the lights. This potpourri not only enhances the aroma of our house, it also adds some beauty to it, particularly the lighting. If you turn the lights on, you can easily see the potpourri in the corner of the room as shown below:

The potpourri I bought is powered by a small light bulb. It's not the same with the old potpourris where the oil will be heated with the use of a candle. The potpourri that I bought is safer than the candle-lit ones.

I initially wanted to buy some herbal oils to be used for this and one particular oil that I've been looking for is citronella. Citronella might not be too pleasant for everybody's nose but it is a very good repellent for mosquitoes and other insects. The Citronella oil was out of stock at the department store where I bought the potpourri and it made me think that I should add Citronella on my growing herb garden.

Speaking of herbs, I have just transferred some tarragon seedlings at my new plot today. I use fresh tarragon leaves for tea. In some parts of the world, herbs are used as party enhancers. I've read from Herbal City LLC that herbal products, such as what they call as the K6 Herbal Incense could be used to alleviate stress, depression, and anxiety. Spiritual powders are also available if you want some surge of energy for all-night parties. So herbs are not just for cooking!

It's always best to grow your herbs in your own garden. But it's also convenient to buy. If you're looking for essential oils and herbal products, be sure to first check it's legality. Better be sure than sorry.


  1. Yey! You're comment box is back. =) Anyhow, I actually prefer the smell of essential oils in contrast to potpourri. Not really a fan. =P

  2. that potpourri with the light bulb inside adds a romantic ambiance to your home and truly is a nice piece of accessory.

  3. I use Electric Oil Burner which uses a light bulb,and has an electric cord to burn our citronella essential oil.

    I bought them from SM.

  4. I love the way it looks in the dark. Sooo dramatic.

  5. So enticing potpourri! So lucky you, to have aroma on it.
    The one you have seems very soothing.
    God bless... ;-)

  6. i have one here in my room..and every time i feel so stressed, i just light it and my whole room is scented relaxing.

  7. my lola is a big fan of potpourri!
    and honestly, whenever she uses hers, nkaka-relax talaga.

  8. i love the smell of citronella but my kids don't like it. but they have no choice as it's very effective in warding off mosquitos.

  9. I didn't try this potpourri yet but it seems very interesting the light inside especially in the dark it looks like a small disco light but i love to try this.. thanks for sharing

  10. essential oils are my choice, it last longer. I like your candle holder :)

  11. I have to admit I never tried that. I grew up where we used "katol" for mosquito. ^^

  12. this is very artistic... i have candle holders too i made it personally

  13. i'm also big on scent so i have all the scented oil for my candle light.i have not been able to find a potpourri that i like yet. maybe i should try to drive mosquitoes like you said.

  14. I'm just into candles.. thanks for the idea, I'll try it sometime!

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