Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Party! Party!

I've noticed that we've been attending a lot of parties nowadays. My brother, who is in second year college, is often invited to his classmates' 18th birthday or what we commonly call as the debut party. I've been seeing a lot of birthday invitations lying around our house.

If you're on your mid 20's as I am, you'd be receiving a lot of party invitations, too, such as wedding invitations, baby announcements, and bridal shower invitations. Currently, my former classmates are already getting married. I even found it amusing that recently, our high school valedictorian and salutatorian married each of their partners in the same day.

From all the wedding invitations I received the past months, I wonder how much time the couple spent in deciding with the designs, color, theme, and printing method. It must have been a grueling task to choose among the prototype invitations that the printer will show you. And of course, each couple should also take into consideration not just the physical appearance of the invitation but must also abide by the wedding invitation etiquettes. And of course, the couple should make their invitation as a reflection of themselves, any couple wouldn't want any cookie-cutter wedding invitation off the rack, it must be customized!

After the wedding, the couple can also send out wedding announcements which are more appropriately sent out to the couple's friends to inform them that the couple has just been married. This is actually useful for those times when you just want to invite a few people on your wedding day and throw a separate party to your other friends. Some people want to have an intimate wedding with only the immediate family members and a handful of very important persons.

I find it really convenient to order the invitations online, how about you?

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