Thursday, January 10, 2013

CD-R King Sells Everything

I had the biggest surprise in the world when I went to CD-R King Gmall branch and their store is full of goodies that I never thought they would be selling: bicycle, mini refrigerator, school and office supplies, pillows, mugs, and a lot more! It really looked like a mini department store in there.

There were cash vaults, memo pads, acrylic stands and card cases (which I bought), and there were lamps, and several other things which are totally not connected with CDs or computers and gadgets. CD-R King has totally took over the retail industry and I really think that they are transitioning to the status of "Unitop."

For my visit, I bought some acrylic stands and card cases that I will be using for my office. These little knick knacks cost me P330.00 for 2 acrylic stands (P100 each), 2 regular acrylic card cases (P15 each), and 2 3-level acrylic card cases (P50 each). They are really really cheap and they look sturdy enough to withstand some wear and tear for a period of time.

CD-R King is no longer just about cds and dvds. They've ventured into general merchandise and it's good that people can now have more affordable alternatives. But of course, as with all things, we need to choose carefully and we should know what to expect from what we pay for.

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